really good funny short, kinda stuff i like to see on NG, gj
really good funny short, kinda stuff i like to see on NG, gj
really good
best tribute to 9/11, or probably the only one, all the other ones ive seen were so god dam crappy. hard to belive that you made this (considering the flashes u made like ray and seals, lol)
but this was good, nice job
i liked it, espeially the sound of the guns!
this was another good stick figure flash, i love seeing these. The song was kinda anoying (it had kick ass guitars, the vocals were the anoying part). The Graphics were really good, 1 thing i might say to you about the blood. SOme parts the blood bounced off the ground really high, made it look kinda wierd. Overall, this was kcik ass!
Very Nice Tutorial
This will help ppl alot, very easy steps to follow, good job
very good
very good movie, i cant wait to see the next one!
Thh graphics were relly good, so was the sound. One thign that wasnt good was the subtitles. They just went by so fast i didnt get a chance to read them all. So next time make them abit longer, or have a button to press for when some1 is done reading ;) otherwise, really good flash you got here, nice job!
i agree with PopeOnARope
this movie would have been blammed if it wasnt about 9/11
best artists in there were MindChamber, LegendaryFrog and EvilDog!!!
ill break this down...
Best Matrix Spoof sinse "The matrix has you"
Best graphics sinse "Bitey of Brakenwood"
Best Sound ive heard in a long long long time
Best spoof of pico, PICO!
I wont be surprised if this makes front page or top 5, this was fuckign amazing! good joB!
A true work of Art
Very relaxing and artistic, i really liked it. Especially the rings. The only thig i didnt like was the house you tried to do,m somethin about it just bugged me (look kinda stupid) btu everything else just blew me away! REALLY Nice Job!
crappy place
Joined on 6/19/04